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Soaker: Filling Practice :.

Recommended Frequency and Duration :.

Frequency: as often as is convenient (can be done multiple times a day, time permitting)
Duration: when beginning, 15 - 30 minute sessions are a good start; can be increased if desired

"Oneself, like one's water blaster, is ready to take on more when one is empty." - Z.o.S.

Overview :.

Speed, efficiency, and thoroughness are the keys to properly filling a water blaster. Due to the variety of blaster fill mechanisms as well as available water dispensing apparatuses that different individuals have access to, there simply is no single method that works flawlessly for any water blaster filling situation. That said, the purpose of water blaster filling practice is to get one more familiar with all aspects involved in preparing one's water blaster for use. As well, while there is no universal method for optimal filling, there is a simple way to gauge one's overall efficiency.


Before working on improving your motions when refilling your water blaster, you should begin by setting a standard level from which one will aim to at least match if not improve upon. To do this, you will need your water blaster, a filling source, a plastic bucket that can hold the entire volume your blaster is capable of carrying, and some waterproof tape (i.e. electrical tape). Once ready, but not being concerned regarding time, only thoroughness, fill your blaster completely. What completely means differs for different water blasters:

  • Syringe / single-pump water blasters: completely fill the firing chamber with water
  • Pump-action water blasters with a reservoir: completely fill the reservoir, then pump a couple of times to fill the firing chamber and inner tubing. After that, top off the reservoir(s)
  • Air pressurized reservoir water blasters: fill the reservoir(s) to 2/3 to 3/4 maximum capacity. Close the reservoir(s) and pump a few times to build pressure. Shoot once briefly to fill the tubing between the reservoir and nozzle with water. Then maximally pressurize the water blaster by continued pumping.
  • Air pressurized separate firing chamber water blasters: fill the reservoir(s), then pump a couple of times to partially pressurize the pressure chamber. Fire once briefly to fill the tubing from the pressure chamber to the nozzle, then pump again to fully pressurize the pressure chamber. Finally, top off the reservoir(s)
  • Pumpless elastic/CPS chamber water blasters: fill the pressure chamber part way, then stop filling, point the nozzle upwards, and fire a couple of times briefly to purge any air. Once only liquid is coming out, fill the pressure chamber completely
  • Elastic/CPS pressure water blasters with a reservoir: fill the reservoir(s), then pump a few times to partially pressurize the pressure chamber. Fire a couple of times briefly to purge any air from the pressure chamber and to fill the tubing between the pressure chamber and the nozzle. Once the water blaster is firing water with no notable air, pump up the pressure chamber completely, then top off the reservoir(s)
  • Motorized water blasters: fill the reservoir(s). Fire the water blaster a few times to prime the pump. Top off the reservoir(s).
  • Other: the general idea is to fill as many of the internal parts of the water blaster that are meant to hold water as possible. Typically, one begins by filling a water blaster's reservoir(s) which then allow one to fill other internal tubings, pump areas, and chambers with water. Once the other parts of the blaster have been filled, this typically means that one has now used water from the reservoir that should thus be replaced.

Once you are satisfied you have filled your water blaster as completely as possible, depressurize/unload the water contents of your water blaster into the bucket/container, trying not to spill or spray any water elsewhere. (Sidenote: make sure your bucket/container is on level ground, otherwise your fill mark will vary depending upon which way your bucket/container is leaning.) For blasters with separate pressure chambers, it is usually better to begin by pouring out the water from the non-pressurized reservoir into the bucket, then fire the pressure chamber's contents into the now partially-filled bucket. After the blaster has been emptied into the bucket, use a piece of tape to mark on the side of the bucket/container where the top of the water level is. This is your minimum goal to achieve everytime you fill your water blaster. While you may not be able to fill your blaster any more than this level, you should aim never to fill significantly less than this, either. As you may also now recognize, this level will vary between different blasters used and even, to some degree, vary slightly with temperature. Standard levels should be set appropriately for each type of blaster you use for practice.

Filling Practice

Now that you have your marked goal, it is time to begin practicing filling your water blaster. Empty your marked bucket/container and blaster (preferably by watering some plants nearby), then repeat completely filling your water blaster, but this time timing yourself either loosely with a watch or more specifically with a stopwatch. Once your blaster is filled, make note of the time, then see how well you really did manage to fill your water blaster by again emptying out your blaster's contents into the bucket/container and seeing whether the water level lines up to your mark. If so, then your primary practice objective will be to speed up the filling process by getting used to how various parts of your blaster open, move, and behave, to allow you to fill as quickly and smoothly as possible. If you managed to fill more than your original fill line, adjust your line upwards and repeat. If you did not fill as much water as your had previously achieved, your goal first is to improve the completeness of your water blaster filling within the same amount of time before attempting to strive for faster times.

Other Thoughts

Do not waste water. Depending on your water source, if you can re-use the water you empty into your bucket/container again for your filling exercise, you should do so. If your filling water comes from a source like a tap or a hose, use the water from your blaster and bucket/container to feed local vegetation. Soaker filling practice is also one way one can water one's plants/garden.

It should be noted that while other soaker exercises could be done once one's water blaster is filled, it is still better to focus on filling motions alone when one wishes to improve one's filling efficiency. This simple act of filling and emptying one's water blaster can go a long way in terms of coming to a better understanding of oneself, one's water blaster, and water, itself.

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